About Cambridge VIP
Cambridge VIP - Venture, Innovation & Partnering conferences bring together senior-level investors, corporate executives, entrepreneurs, and start-up leaders, from the biopharmaceutical, digital health, medical device, information technology, and energy sectors. These events are high-level, networking summits consisting of thought-provoking, industry-led panels and fireside chats. The intimate setting, whether at a five-star property or conveniently happening in parallel with one of our well-established events, is designed to encourage interaction and networking. We welcome you to participate in one or more of our venture- and innovation-led conferences to gain strategic insights, candid perspectives, and business recommendations in your field of interest. You will better appreciate who is investing and in what technologies, learn about current funding activities and recent exits, and understand how various emerging technologies are being commercialized to solve pertinent challenges.
Thank You to Our Amazing and Supportive Co-Chairs:
Key Contacts
Edel O’Regan PhD
Senior Vice President, Production
Venture, Innovation & Partnering
(+1) 781-697-0586